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CTP or "Capacitive Touch Panel" works by detecting changes in the screen electrostatic field induced by the presence of a finger. An embedded array of sensors detect the resultant alteration in localised capacitance, enabling the electronics to calculate the position of the finger.

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E-PAPER is an electronic display technology that mimics the appearance of paper. This type of display requires no electricity to retain an image as it does not actually emit light. Instead, it reflects light, as does paper.

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OLED or "Organic Light-Emitting Diode". OLEDs are emissive displays that do not require a backlight and so are thinner and more efficient. There are two sub-types of OLED displays: passive matrix (PMOLED) and active matrix (AMOLED).

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TFT or "Thin Film Transistor" are high-quality flat panel LCDs. TFT-based displays have a transistor for each pixel on the screen. This allows the electrical current that illuminates the display to be turned on and off at a faster rate, making the display brighter and enhancing the smoothness of motion.

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What Display Solution is best for my design?

JOJERA offers a range of high quality, high resolution, low power consumption and ultra-thin displays. Our products are available in either standard industry sizes/resolutions or customised to your exact requirement.